First Post Fears

crab climbing

I’m resisting the urge to search “How to Write Your First Blog Post”.

I already know the answer: just write something and publish it.

2024 began with a strong urge to change something big in my life. I’ve been running a vintage clothing business since 2018, and I’m lucky enough to be able to support myself from the profits. In 2023 I worked harder than ever before, spending most weekends lugging around a 10×10 tent and racks of vintage clothing. The week was spent sourcing and preparing clothes, dealing with paperwork and admin, social media, and all that other small business minutia.

I loved working markets, connecting with customers and vendors, prepping and selling items. The one area that I dreaded was social media – the content creation, the camera time, the constant updates – it’s just not my jam. I saw other vendors doing brilliant things on social media and attracting followers and I tried my best, but it led to a serious case of burnout by the end of the market season.

I started to more seriously think about the future of my business. How could I scale up my business without running myself into the ground? Could I hire someone to manage my social media? I started my research and came across Millionaire Fastlane. I initially cringed at the author’s blunt tone and obsession with Lamborghinis. As I kept reading, something clicked.

The basic gist of the book is this: to make enough money to be free, you need to divorce your time from your income.

Cue the number crunching. I won’t bore you with the details, but suffice it to say I would need to sell a mountain of vintage clothing to reach my goals for financial independence. I entertained the idea of opening a brick and mortar store, but it would require even more time for less money.

I have no aversion to work, especially when I’m working for myself and profiting from it. But inevitably things come up, and there’s no safety net for small business owners. If you get sick, if an event is cancelled, if you can’t work for whatever reason, you aren’t making money.

I started the book thinking about how I could apply the lessons to my current business, but I was forced to confront the reality: my business could not scale to the level I need it to support my financial goals.

Panic ensues, as well as a sense of excitement.

What can I create that brings value to people?

This blog is going to be my space to share what I’m reading, what I’m building, what I’m struggling with. I’m also publishing a more polished monthly update over on Substack.

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